JNCIP-DC exam notes

JNCIP-DC exam notes

Once again I’m convinced by my own experience that Juniper tests a lot more interesting and practical than Cisco ones (I’m recently passed CCIE R&S written to update my cert – such a horrible experience that I don’t want to even look at Cisco for another two years).

Not so long ago I passed JNCIP-DC and would like to save some notes about this exam.

First of all, materials from recommended courses – Data Center Switching (DCX) and Advanced Data Center Switching (ADCX) – are definitely very useful and must read, but that’s not all that you need to successfully pass this exam.

I strongly recommend reading Juniper QFX5100 Series and Juniper QFX10000 Series books, especially the first one. O’Reilly books are very high quality as usual.

Also there is a useful whitepaper about Clos IP fabrics, and of cource this EVPN Day One book. And Day One: Data Center Fundamentals  might be useful for overall picture, light reading.

It might look like a lot of reading, but this is really good materials. If you study all this well, then it will be really no problem to pass the JNCIP-DC exam.


2 thoughts on “JNCIP-DC exam notes

  1. Hi Alex:

    Greetings from Ecuador!!! do you think it is enough to study from Juniper QFX5100 Series, the whitepaper about Clos IP fabrics, EVPN Day One book and Day One: Data Center Fundamentals? I can’t access to the official training books and it is difficult to buy it in my country. How much time do you spend studying to get the JNCIP-DC?

    Best Regards
    Carlos Contreras

    1. Hi Carlos,
      One more book from the Day One library – This Week Data Center Deployment with EVPN-VXLAN. Don’t forget about config guides, feature guides, etc. And of course a lot of practice – virtual labs are really easy to build this days.
      For me personally JNCIP-DC didn’t take long, but it heavily depends on previous background and experience.
      Aim for the JNCIE-DC lab from the beginning. When you’re preparing for the big one then its a lot more easier to pass all the intermediate tests.

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